Monday, February 2, 2009

TPACK Analysis

Content: The content that this lesson focuses on is the moon and its phases (6th grade science standard 1: describing the changes in the appearance of the moon over a one month period). The students will observe the moon for one month to watch as it goes through each of the phases and they will make observations daily on its change.

Pedagogy: This lesson is inquiry based. The students will be both observing and analyzing data as they watch the moon and decide which phase it is in. This fits well with the content because students are able to actually look at the moon and describe what it looks like over one month.

Technology: The technology used in this lesson is Google Earth. I think this is a great tool to use as it allows the students to observe the actual appearance of the moon each day during class. The students don’t have to go outside at night, which may be impossible for some, it is a simple task that only takes a few minutes but allows the students to discover so much. This technology is great for the content and pedagogy. It allows students to meet the standard set out in the Utah state core and it allows them to do it on their own through observation, discovery.

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